SE-Training - Kurse - Systems and Systemic Requirements Engineering and Management


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Systems and Systemic Requirements Engineering and Management


This course equips participants with the appropriate understanding of the difficulty of writing good requirements, the use of requirement management as an approach for controlling change and measuring the degree of completion of a project over the development, build, test and deliver, portion of the system and software life cycle.

The course uses a mixture of active and passive teaching styles to maximize the effectiveness of the learning opportunity. Participants will be provided with a software tool (Tiger Pro) specially developed as an educational tool with which to write and test requirements.


• Understand the importance of well-written requirements

• Understand why requirements errors cost more to correct than other types of errors in the system development process.

• Deal with poorly written requirements.

• Recognize poorly written requirements and be able to repair them. Create clear and concise well-written requirements.

• Mitigate the effect on cost and schedule due to poorly written requirements.

Wer Sollte Teilnehmen?

• Personnel who specify the development of technology-based systems.
• Engineers and programmers elucidating requirements from customers.
• Designers who work with poorly written requirements.
• Software and hardware testers who need to figureout how to test requirements.
• Acquisition managers, contract specialists.
• Other personnel performing similar roles.


Early Bird Rates: 1,350 CHF. Regular Rates: 1,500 CHF.


9 tage

Photo of Joe Kasser
Joe Kasser

Dr. Joseph Kasser hat 30 Jahre in unterschiedlichen Rollen (Systemingenieur und Manager) gearbeitet bevor er in die akademische Forschung eingetreten ist. Er ist ein Empfänger von NASA's Manned Space Flight Awareness Award (Silver Snoopy) für Qualität und technische Exzellenz, für die Durchführung und Leitung von System-Engineering und erhielt viele weitere Auszeichnungen. Er ist ein INCOSE Fellow, hält einen Doktor der Wissenschaft in Engineering Management von der George Washington University, und ist sowohl ein Chartered Engineer und ein Certified Manager. Er ist derzeit Gastprofessor an der National University of Singapore. Zu seinen bisherigen akademischen Positionen gehören die Postition: Leverhulme Visiting Professor an der Cranfield University, England und der stellvertretende Direktor und ein Associate Research Professor im Systems Engineering and Evaluation Center an der University of South Australia.
