Niels Malotaux
Guest Trainer
Niels Malotaux is an independent Project Coach and expert in optimizing project performance. He has some 40 years of experience in designing electronic and software systems, at Delft University, in the Dutch Army, at Philips Electronics and 20 years leading a systems design company. Since 1998 he has devoted his expertise to helping projects and organizations to deliver Quality On Time: delivering what the customer needs, when they need it, to enable customer success. To this effect, Niels developed an approach for effectively teaching Evolutionary Project Management (Evo) Methods, Requirements Engineering, Review and Inspection techniques, as well as Reliable Embedded Systems Design and how to achieve Zero Defects for the customer.
- Since 2001, he has taught and coached well over 400 projects in 40+ organizations in the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Germany, Ireland, India, Israel, Japan, Poland, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, the UK and the US, which has led to a wealth of experience in which approaches work better and which work less well in practice.