Configuration Management

Configuration Management
Starts from: May 13, 2025 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Campus Location


Class Description

Date:  13 May 2025

Duration:  1 Day

Location:  Zürich, Switzerland

Managing the complexity of products along their lifecycle is an increasing challenge in many industries. Knowing and controlling the state of mechatronical systems during development, in the supply chain and after sales is a basic requirement for today`s manufacturer. Manyfold requirements set by customers and regulatory bodies, paired with increasing number of product variants set challenges for managing product data, documentation and changes along the product`s lifetime.

Configuration Management helps to manage this complexity and to enable efficient development and operations of systems.


In this one-day course a basic understanding will be provided about how Configuration Management supports each stage of the product lifecycle starting with the first product idea until retiring complex industrial systems. We will learn about the different Configuration Management activities and how they help us making complexity manageable. By walking through the product lifecycle, we will highlight in this course the needs of the different lifecycle phases. Through examples we identify different approaches how to avoid common pitfalls and how to tailor the Configuration Management process to their needs.

  • Manage all relevant product data and documentation in the product context.
  • Provide a consistent and complete view about all product components and their valid documentation along the lifecycle phases (Analysis, Feasibility, Development, Implementation and Manufacturing, Operations and Service).
  • Integrate the product data management in the product lifecycle processes (development, testing, supply chain, operations, logistics, maintenance).
  • Manage product variants, changes in the product`s definition and configuration baselines.
  • Support efficiency in the value chain.
  • Enable the delivery of new services.


  • Understanding product lifecycle from the perspective of the product`s data.
  • Understanding the requirements for managing product data according to the individual needs of an industiral company or a specific project.
  • Getting familiar with common terms, methods and approaches required to understand in order to set up a proper Configuration Management process in your project.
  • Experiencing the challenges in product data management based on a simple mechatronic system example.



Systems Engineers  |  Development Engineers  |  Project Leads  |  Requirement Engineers  |  Verification and Validation Engineers  |  Quality Engineers  |All who are interested in this subject and want to learn about it during a one-day opportunity


Kevin Howard